Interval song examples don't show descending column

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Interval song examples don't show descending column

Post by SeriousTube »

Your list of interval song examples displays fine on my windows pc. On my Android phone with Chrome the interval name and ascending column are there but the descending column is not in portrait mode. It can't be side scrolled to, it just isn't there.

It may not be an issue you care about since you don't support Android anyway with your app. Now that I can see the descending column in landscape mode or on my pc it isn't an issue with me either.

I just thought I'd let you know since there is no indication there are descending examples if the third column is invisible.
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Re: Interval song examples don't show descending column

Post by Quentin »

Thank you. This might be an issue on all devices in portrait mode, not just Android. The page was designed for computers in mind when it was made, but we can make it scrollable horizontally. Thanks for your feedback.
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