Exotic tetrachords/scales in customized exercises
Moderator: Quentin
Exotic tetrachords/scales in customized exercises
i've tried to enter exotic tetrachords and other scales (that are impossible to spell in the key of c with no accidentals) and save them, but when i close the program and re-open it the scales are no longer there. can anyone help me or is this something that i'll have to live with? it's seems rather inconvenient to re-enter all these exotic scales every time i want to practice them.
If you create the chord/scale and click Ok in the customized exercise setup. Then it will be saved when you close EarMaster. However, if you open the customized exercise setup again before you close EarMaster, and click Ok without changing any chords, then EarMaster would no longer save the new chord/scale you created. This is a bug in EarMaster and we will upload an update within a couple of days. You can use the "Check for update" function in the "Help" menu to see when this problem is solved.
Best regards,
Hans Jakobsen
Best regards,
Hans Jakobsen