Can Perfect Pitch be acquired as an adult?

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Can Perfect Pitch be acquired as an adult?

Post by Guest »

Does anybody here believe that you can acquire perfect pitch as an adult? And do you think EarMaster will help you? When you search for "perfect pitch" with google, a link to with the title: "Perfect Pitch Training" comes up as a result. However I can't seem to find much about perfect pitch on this site!

I found this blog of some guy who says he has acquired perfect pitch, but I am not sure what to believe. Everybody else says you must be born with it:

Post by Guest »

Everybody else says you must be born with it:
Is not important what "everybody" says, it's only importan what science says, and at this point, they don't know if is genetic, is learned as a child, or anybody can get it with trainning, so don't expect any answer that shows you the universal truth about perfect pitch.
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Post by Waigin »

that`s true, but if your earring is not good, the software will help you to improved it
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