Midi keyboard answer has always fixed velocity

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Midi keyboard answer has always fixed velocity

Post by Thomas »

In the following exercises when I answer the questions with a midi keyboard the velocity is always fixed:

- Rythmic sight-reading (velocity = 80)
- Rythm imitation (velocity = 80)
- Melodic sight-singing (velocity = 65)
- Melody imitation (velocity = 65)

This is specially irritating in the rythm imitation exercise where the question has different velocity values and the answer has fixed values. When there are different samples played for different velocity zones it feels like the answer is wrong. But it isn't.

The answer should have the velocity value who is send from the midi keyboard.

EarMaster Pro 6.1 (build 642PW)
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Re: Midi keyboard answer has always fixed velocity

Post by Thomas »

I have tested this in EarMaster Pro 5 (build 639 PW).
EarMaster 5 sends no fixed velocity value on MIDI OUT when I play the midi keyboard on the exercises Rythm reading und Rythm imitating.

This behavior has changed with EarMaster 6!
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Re: Midi keyboard answer has always fixed velocity

Post by Quentin »

Hi Thomas,

You are absolutely right, and that feature will make its come back as soon as possible. The V5 to V6 update was not solely about adding things, but it was also a major restructuring of the software so that it could handle new features such as real-time sight-singing, music xml import, cloud syncing, etc. Velocity for MIDI In doesn't seem to have made it to the new code, but it will come back at some point.
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