Soft synth solution with Earmaster on Mac OS X

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Soft synth solution with Earmaster on Mac OS X

Post by Balthazar »


On my Intel-mac with OS X 10.4.11, Earmaster 5 Pro tryout, recently downloaded, I have the following problem:

The automatically selected Apple DLS Soft Synth does not sound very good, and the unnatural sound actually makes it harder for me to do the exrecises, because it does not sound very musical. I don't have a synthesizer, so I have been looking for a good soft synth solution. I have Logic Pro 8, which includes several good soft synth options, but I don't get an option in Earmasters midi out menu to route the EarMaster output through it.

Then I dicovered one solution: There is a freeware program called MIDI patchbay, and with this I get an extra option in EarMasters MIDI out meny. With this I can route the midi output from earmaster into Logic Pro. This has the disadvantage that it's tedious to start Logic each time, and I have an early intel-mac laptop with not a lot of resources etc... but I can live with that. The biggest problem is that with this setup, EarMaster crashes most of the times I start it, as soon as I click "Begin". Then after patiently starting it like that many times, it finally works. Then it works perfectly after that, untill next time I start EarMaster.

I'm thinking of buying EarMaster, but need to solve this problem first. Is this a bug in EarMaster that can be solved? Is there a better freeware option that does what I need? Like a good freeware softsynth, that let's me do what I want without using Logic? Like one that plays samples of a real instrument, it sounds more musical and actually helps me with the exercises.
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Post by Quentin »

As both Logic and EarMaster are trying to access your soundcard at the same time when running simultaneously, this wil cause your system to become unstable.
Instead of Logic, you could try to run a Audio Unit instrument (AUi) or VSTi host, and route the MIDI output from EarMaster to it via Patchbay. I know it works on Windows but we have not tried that on Mac, as most people seem to be quite satisfied with the sounds of the Apple DLS.

I found a free AU host called "Babya AU host". I don't know if it can simply load a AUi instrument (like those included in Logic) but I guess it's worth a try.

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Post by Balthazar »

It may be that most people are quite satisfied with the DLS synth sounds, but it's still far easier with the much more natural, fuller and less flat sounds of the soft sampler in Logic. I feel I learn quicker this way.

BTW I found out that I don't need MIDI Patchbay, OS X has it's own built-in IAC-driver which does the same thing. The AU host called Babya AU host turned out to be someone who posted one of Apple's own example projects as his "own application". I didn't get it to work, but Apple has their own AU host which comes with the developer package.

Anyway, I get exactly the same problem (same crashes) with Apple's AU host, plus it can't be used with the soft sampler included in Logic. With only MIDI Patchbay running, and no Logic or AU host, same problem. Of course the application can't send sounds out through the speaker this way, but it crashes at startup at the same point, for the mere reason of MIDI out not being chosen as "Apple DLS SoftSynth". So, the only way I've found so far to NOT have the program crash, is to choose Apple DLS SoftSynth as MIDI out.

Other programs that put out sound through the soundcard can run flawlessly when running Logic at the same time. It is always EarMaster that crashes, nothing else, and when it does crash, always at the same point. I'm thinking it must be a bug in EarMaster.
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Post by Normann »


We found a bug in clearing off audio system in EarMaster when other sound systems is running in the background using the same resources. What happens is that clearing off sounds after being used takes milliseconds longer, firing timers, and causes a crash.

A fix to this bug will be available in the next update. In the meantime you can try and disable the sounds in "Program Settings" under "Effects / Microphone" (uncheck both "Intro music" and "Sound effects"), and see if this prevents EarMaster from crashing. You should still be able to hear the Midi output.

You check these settings again when the update is available in a couple of weeks. Hope this help.

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Normann, EarMaster
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Post by Balthazar »

Thank you! :)

BTW, there is another issue which you might look at for the next update. On the norwegian version, training interval comparison, the wrong description of some of the stages appears on the screen. For instance, stage 18 trains minor/major third, harmonic, which in norwegian should be: "Stor og liten ters, samklang". On my downloaded version, I get the description "Kvart, tritonus og kvint - melodisk ned". The descriptions are obviously correctly translated, but for some reason some of them appear at the wrong stages. The correct labels appear on the buttons.

But Earmaster is really awesome apart from these issues mentioned!
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Post by Normann »

Thanks! We are looking into the Norwegian translation, and we fix this on the next available update.

Best regards,
Normann, EarMaster
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Ear Master Pro sound is unacceptable on Apple Snow Leopard

Post by RobertGloverJr »

I have a brand new MacBook Pro. I am on lesson number 33 of 42, of the first classical exercise: "All intervals - Unison to Ocatve - harmonic" of "Interval Comparison".
I am using the piano sound via the only option EarMaster 5 provides: "Apple DLS SoftSynth"
I don't think anyone could do this exercise, given the very poor sound from the Apple DLS SoftSynth.
The only way I get anything done is to open up Garage Band and use its keyboard to play the notes on the Garage Band keyboard so that I can hear them clearly. The piano sound in Garage Band is about ten times better than the piano sound coming from Apple DLS SoftSnth in Ear Master Pro.
I don't think it's sufficient to claim that "few people complain about the EasMaster Pro sound" on an Apple. That is because most people buy EarMaster Pro and then after a couple of days stop using it before they get to the hard exercises.
But for those of us who are intent on really using Ear Master Pro and doing all the exercises including the hardest ones, the sound is simply unacceptable.
I urge Ear Master Pro to buy themselves a MacBook Pro and spend some time figuring out reliable, step by step instructions to provide to we Mac users to improve the piano sound.
Saying that you use windows and can at best guess what might imrove the sound of Ear Master Pro on a Mac is not acceptable. After all, I bought Ear Master Pro because I saw it for sale at the San Francisco Apple store.
I am specifically complaining about the sound when the exercise plays two not together, especially when the notes are in the higher registers. The bottom note is practically impossible to hear. Yet when that same note is played in Garage Band it is very clear and easy to hear.
Am a musical hobbiest-- played piano (musical comedy) at theater camps during summers while in college. Many years of private piano lessons. Currently taking private jazz piano lessons.
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Post by RobertGloverJr »

I was a little harsh in that last reply. I am wildly enthusiastic about Ear Master 5 and love it dearly (as much as one can love software). It is a Godsend and I don't know what I'd do without it.
I think analyzing this further that there are two problems. The first problem is that when Ear Master Pro plays two notes together, they bottom note has a volume level that is too low when compared to the upper note being played at the same time.
The second problem is that Ear Master 5 inexplicably disables the piano keyboard. It would be SO much more educational if after hearing the notes of the exercise I could peck those notes on the Ear Master 5 keyboard to hear them, instead of having to use the keyboard of Garage Band.
As I listen more carefully, the piano sound of Garage Band is not that different than the sound of the piano in Ear Master 5. It may simply be an issue of the volume in Ear Master 5 being lower when two notes are played in unison versus when two notes are played separately.
Am a musical hobbiest-- played piano (musical comedy) at theater camps during summers while in college. Many years of private piano lessons. Currently taking private jazz piano lessons.
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Post by Quentin »


The Apple DLS device is the soundfont provided with Quicktime (Quicktime Synthethizer). It is possible to choose between different piano sounds (in Preferences>Instruments), but it is true that the overall quality of the sounds is somewhat obsolete, even though the DLS device is much better than the standard GS soundbank available in Windows computers.

We are currently implementing a softsynth solution for EM6, so things will change in the future, but the architecture of V5 doesn't doesn't allow to select different software synths. You can however use MIDI Out to playback sounds on hardware MIDI sound modules.

It is possible to use softsynth or sample players with EarMaster 5 indirectly, with a simple workaround (no download required for Mac, and a simple download required for Windows):

Even though most of the administrative work and development is made on Windows, we have two iMacs at the office (an older PPC, and a newer Intel) for Mac development, and I personally use a MacBook at home, so we are well aware of the different aspects of sound experience on the Mac. :-)
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Post by Quentin »

That was a reply to your first post.

The piano is indeed only used to show the answers in the Interval Comparison exercise. This is not the case in the interval comparison exercise, or in the other exercise areas. Several users have complained about that, so we have changed that for V6 too (it's already done).

The deep and high tones have the same volume/attack with Apple DLS, so I guess the discrepancy is related to the nature of the sound itself.
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