An Interesting Bug and An Interesting Question

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An Interesting Bug and An Interesting Question

Post by mesmeremphasis »

The Bug:
When blazing through either the interval comparison or interval recognition exercises at a considerable speed, e.g. ~0.5 seconds per interval (100% accuracy, all settings to play next question instantly) - the whole exercise's answer time is 7 to 8 seconds, the "Next Exercise" dialog shows and yet another interval is played... and down the bottom it says "Question 16 of 15"! Thoughts, dev team?

The Question:
At what speed can trainees on this site recognise intervals?
In essence this is AnswerTime divided by ExcerciseCount...
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Post by mesmeremphasis »

Here is a screen capture of the bug so you know what I mean:


Also I should probably note that the above mentioned speeds are only plausible when performing harmonic drills - the error, however, seems work on ascending, descending and harmonic drills...

Speeds + training time anyone? -- I'm genuinely curious about reaction times both as a benchmark to aim for a faster speed and to find out how far you can take your reflexes. Post full details.
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Post by Quentin »

Technically it's a bug. However your score remains 100% and the question is not counted in your evaluation. So it's not coming in the way of your training. We'll still look at it of course :)
You're just too fast for the program :-P
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