Search found 15 matches

by saxysm
19 Dec 2012, 02:53
Forum: Support
Topic: Changed computers, no more serial number
Replies: 3
Views: 7199


thanks for your help. :-D
by saxysm
06 Dec 2012, 08:57
Forum: Support
Topic: Changed computers, no more serial number
Replies: 3
Views: 7199


I sent my partial serial number to the mentioned adress.

cheers, christoph
by saxysm
06 Dec 2012, 02:34
Forum: Support
Topic: Changed computers, no more serial number
Replies: 3
Views: 7199

Changed computers, no more serial number

Hi I have 2 Problems: 1. I Changed computers, and have no more serial number. But i kept the harddisks. (Mac OS X 10.4.) Can I finde it there somewhere? 2. This seems not to be the account on which i registered my product. But I can't remember on which email I set up the other account. I tried to re...
by saxysm
02 Jun 2010, 07:49
Forum: General discussion
Topic: books on ear training?
Replies: 4
Views: 15978

a very good book in German

Die neue Jazz-Harmonielehre: Verstehen, Hören, Spielen by Frank Sikora is a great book. It is in German and not available in English! I think it is what one learns (more or less) when one studies with him in Berne (Switzerland). It contains a lot of theory and a lot of practical experience and a lo...
by saxysm
11 Nov 2009, 02:16
Forum: General discussion
Topic: Does Earmaster really work?
Replies: 6
Views: 13432

the same problem

I am running in the same problem as you are: identifying the intervals is one part of the game, transcribing, or sight-singing is another level. I guess you could compare it a little bit with understanding a foreign language (passive vocabulary) and speaking it (active vocabulary). I try to sight-re...
by saxysm
11 Nov 2009, 02:11
Forum: General discussion
Topic: books on ear training?
Replies: 4
Views: 15978

Books are not very useful

as an aid to practice, imho. Even with an included CD. But Aebesold gave some good tipps on how to train your ear. But mostly it is practicing. I just realised that there is passive and active ear-training. Passive meaning to recognise intervals, chords etc. Active to sing them. Additionally there i...
by saxysm
11 Nov 2009, 02:08
Forum: General discussion
Topic: PLEASE VOTE HERE - Future EarMaster releases
Replies: 22
Views: 37322

iPhone Application

would be cool. Not for practising on the train, but at a hotel room for instance. Just to keep in shape;-)
by saxysm
09 Feb 2009, 01:43
Forum: Support
Topic: not opening - uninstall?
Replies: 12
Views: 16075


Thanks Normann, works again :)
by saxysm
08 Feb 2009, 11:35
Forum: Support
Topic: not opening - uninstall?
Replies: 12
Views: 16075

Upgrade downloadable?

I have the same problem, but since earmaster won't start up at all, no help menu. Is there a possibility to download the update via browser. (I searched for a link, but found none.)

Cheers, chris
by saxysm
02 Dec 2008, 03:00
Forum: General discussion
Topic: EarMaster can't handle our most basic need: A daily routine.
Replies: 7
Views: 13921

I would also appreciate

a multi-lesson teacher very much. It would allow standardised automatic practice. Right now I still am using Hearmaster from Emagic (no longer available) on my very old win98 PC (only for this purpose). (But I am considering Earmast, as soon as it will be available for Mac). H earmaster allows me to...
by saxysm
11 Jun 2008, 01:12
Forum: General discussion
Topic: Any opinions on "transcribing" software?
Replies: 8
Views: 18829

slow is better

The reason for that, is that if you always slow down the music in order to hear what's going on, you'll never get the ability to understand music when it has a certain speed. I do not completely agree with this: start with slower songs, or faster songs at slower speed, then with time you can increa...
by saxysm
17 Sep 2007, 01:15
Forum: Support
Topic: midi remote
Replies: 4
Views: 9682


Great! Thanks. I will definetely buy the mac version.
by saxysm
14 Sep 2007, 06:50
Forum: Support
Topic: midi remote
Replies: 4
Views: 9682

Thanks for your answer.

I will try them out, the next time I start up my wife's windows computer. I am very, very reluctant to ditch Hearmaster,l I have been using it for 10 or more years (with some longer interruptions). One gets quite used to a program. But I am really looking closely into Earmaster. If Earmaster were al...
by saxysm
11 Sep 2007, 02:13
Forum: Support
Topic: midi remote
Replies: 4
Views: 9682

midi remote

I am trying to control my earmaster with midi. I found the settings where to set the midi channel, note etc. I can't find the menue-item "Answer" (Antwort in German). If I input an interval with my midi keyboard I still have to leave it for clicking Answer/Antwort with my mouse. This is a ...