Search found 16 matches

by berebe
16 Dec 2014, 07:53
Forum: Support
Topic: Slash notation for chords
Replies: 3
Views: 7202

Re: Slash notation for chords

Hi Please note that I want to place the chord in the second half of the beat, not the second half of the bar, maybe with an example is more clear: The F chord should start on the second eight note of the last beat, but Earmaster would only let me place the chord either...
by berebe
16 Dec 2014, 04:44
Forum: Support
Topic: Slash notation for chords
Replies: 3
Views: 7202

Slash notation for chords

Hi I'm practicing a song that has all the chord changes on the second half of the beat, something that is currently not possible to do in Earmaster. As the melody follows the chord changes, the sound is all messed up if the chord changes at the beginning of the beat. The only workaround I've been ab...
by berebe
11 Nov 2014, 17:21
Forum: Support
Topic: Cut time is imported from music xml as common time
Replies: 1
Views: 6066

Cut time is imported from music xml as common time

Hi I have created an exercise in cut time using an external editor, and I'm finding that Earmaster keeps importing the xml in common time. To rule out the possibility that the xml had something wrong in its notation, i did a test using a simple score with just one whole note in cut time. I have incl...
by berebe
03 Nov 2014, 14:19
Forum: Support
Topic: No sound on rhythmic input
Replies: 2
Views: 6784

Re: No sound on rhythmic input

Thanks for your answer

It is working right now. I don't know what was the problem as I haven't changed any settings, but now I do get a sound when I play the rhythm.
by berebe
25 Oct 2014, 16:33
Forum: Support
Topic: No sound on rhythmic input
Replies: 2
Views: 6784

No sound on rhythmic input

Hi I'm not getting any sound in the rhythm reading exercise. The input is registered correctly and I can see the marks below the rhythmic figures, also I see the hands clapping when i press the space bar, but I can't hear anything but the metronome. When i press the button to hear the correct answer...
by berebe
16 Jun 2014, 07:07
Forum: Support
Topic: Instrument for accompaniment
Replies: 1
Views: 4937

Instrument for accompaniment


For the melody exercises, is it possible to change the instrument that plays the chords ? The chords seem to be always played with the piano, choosing a different MIDI instrument only seems to affect the melodies.

by berebe
25 Mar 2014, 09:44
Forum: Support
Topic: Melody sight singing, sing note in different octave
Replies: 4
Views: 9622

Re: Melody sight singing, sing note in different octave


Yes that was what I was asking for, some sort of 'answer in relative octave' setting int the sight singing exercise. I hope this something that can be added to a future release.

Thanks for your answers.
by berebe
24 Mar 2014, 10:25
Forum: Support
Topic: Melody sight singing, sing note in different octave
Replies: 4
Views: 9622

Re: Melody sight singing, sing note in different octave

HI When using a vocal range EarMaster tries to fit the exercise transposing everything by the same interval. If you enter something that spans two octaves, and you set a vocal range of one octave, the question would require you to sing in two different octaves even if some notes are outside the voca...
by berebe
23 Mar 2014, 15:52
Forum: Support
Topic: Melody sight singing, sing note in different octave
Replies: 4
Views: 9622

Melody sight singing, sing note in different octave

Hi I'm trying to use the melody sight singing exercise to practice chord progressions singing arpeggios and I'm encountering some problems. Because arpeggios have a very broad span, sometimes a note is outside my vocal range, so i have to sing it an octave lower. The same progression fits differentl...
by berebe
19 May 2013, 11:25
Forum: Support
Topic: easy acces to modify a melody in the database
Replies: 1
Views: 5718

easy acces to modify a melody in the database

Hi I'm using EarMaster's sight singing exercise to practice the exercises from a book. I have entered lots of exercises in the melody database, and with the current options is impossible to keep managing it. Consider this, Earmaster chooses a random melody from the database as a question, and for wh...
by berebe
22 Mar 2013, 04:12
Forum: Support
Topic: Sight singing: play user and correct answer together
Replies: 1
Views: 4551

Sight singing: play user and correct answer together

Hi would it be possible to add an option to listen the recorded answer and the correct answer at the same time? I find this very useful for sight singing, I know that earmaster shows a pitch curve, but listening to the recording of what I have sung together with the correct answer would let me hear ...
by berebe
01 Mar 2013, 14:10
Forum: Support
Topic: sight singing, start with a rest and metronome off wont work
Replies: 1
Views: 5150

sight singing, start with a rest and metronome off wont work

Hi Blue line shows that as soon as I started singing, it ignored the first half note. You may argue that I am doing it wrong, but trust me, I can count two beats without mistake... If I switch the metronome on, then it works perfectly ok. I'm using EM6 upgraded the the...
by berebe
25 Jan 2013, 05:56
Forum: General discussion
Topic: Melody database
Replies: 6
Views: 16030

Adding music-xml import will make earmaster really awesome, I have a couple of questions though:

Would it be able to handle rhythmic figures not available now such as quintuplets?

Would we be able to add a chord track with any chords we want?

What about a percussion track?
by berebe
25 Jan 2013, 05:45
Forum: General discussion
Topic: Show custom chords in new Melody
Replies: 0
Views: 5916

Show custom chords in new Melody

Hi When creating a new melody for singing, I think it would be very nice to be able to choose custom chords entered in the Chord identification exercise, mainly because right now there are no eleventh or thirteenth chords, but as there are so many chords out there that someone may want to practice, ...
by berebe
25 Jan 2013, 05:39
Forum: General discussion
Topic: Singing tonal degrees
Replies: 2
Views: 7460

I haven't thought of using the new singing exercise, It seems I could use it for that purpose.
