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by Arpeggio
17 Dec 2013, 07:21
Forum: Support
Topic: Interval Identifiction backwards from root note
Replies: 0
Views: 6144

Interval Identifiction backwards from root note

Within Interval Identification Is there a way to play them backwards from a higher root note?. For example C then down in pitch to E which is the 3rd of C (as opposed to C as the 6th of E). I have EM5 at present.
by Arpeggio
17 Dec 2013, 06:54
Forum: Interval song examples
Topic: Chord Identification
Replies: 4
Views: 16061

Re: Chord Identification

The beginning chord "Riding Along In My Automobile - Chuck Berry" sounds like an augmented chord, I might be wrong. The South Park Theme tune is made either of b5 dyad (2 note) chords or diminished chords that are shifted up and down by b3rds. sus2 and sus4 are "religion chords" ...
by Arpeggio
07 Feb 2012, 03:39
Forum: General discussion
Topic: Descending 6ths are driving me INSANE!
Replies: 4
Views: 9971

Major 6th is starting notes of Frank Sinatra's "My way" lyrics: and (Root) noooow (6th)

minor 6th is Love story where (m6th) do I (Root) begin (m6th).

So love story is good for descending m6 as it starts with one, while my way just reverse it in your head I suppose. They work for me.
by Arpeggio
17 Dec 2011, 13:25
Forum: General discussion
Topic: All note names displayed
Replies: 1
Views: 5978

All note names displayed

Is it possible to have all the note names displayed at the same time on the piano or fretboard? To learn perfect pitch I am using someone to play random notes for me but they aren't a musician so wouldn't be able to select only 3 or 5 notes only for me to do it in smaller chunks.

by Arpeggio
17 Dec 2011, 13:13
Forum: General discussion
Topic: Rithmic imitation
Replies: 4
Views: 10892

For steady progress the increments of difficulty I increase by are always less than twice as much, often more like 10%-20%. So if 2 bars of something you find easy seems hard maybe if you could says that is twice as hard then you could make the rhythms more simple for the two bars? Although I'm not ...
by Arpeggio
17 Dec 2011, 13:02
Forum: General discussion
Topic: What to do when the exercises get hard
Replies: 6
Views: 12762

I was slightly supristed when I tried to hold a note while watching my guitar tuner, although I get the note the dial is going up and down. I find higher notes easier to hold I guess because of all my untrained vocal cords those are smaller and have less movement with smaller vibrations.
by Arpeggio
19 Jan 2011, 03:46
Forum: Interval song examples
Topic: All 12
Replies: 0
Views: 7405

All 12

Corresponding to syllables of words (R) means Root (Number) means interval... minor 2nd = Jaws 2nd = Happy(R) Birth(2)day(R) minor 3rd = Brahms lullaby, Go to(R) sleep(b3) Perfect 4th = Wedding March, Here(R) comes(4) the(4) bride(4) diminished 5th = Purple Haze intro Perfect 5th = StarWars or Super...
by Arpeggio
19 Jan 2011, 03:35
Forum: General discussion
Topic: Which lessons and how long should I practice each day?
Replies: 4
Views: 11648

Agree. I've been doing 20 mins 4 - 7 days a week for the last couple of years, can tell apart all 7th chord types from the harmonised major (maj7, min7, Dom7, min7b5) and things like Dom7b5 also. For scales I'm getting above 90% with ones like lyd flat7, altered, locrian, melodic minor, hamonic mino...
by Arpeggio
19 Jan 2011, 03:28
Forum: General discussion
Topic: Which intervals and chords are the hardest for you identify?
Replies: 2
Views: 7755

If it's set to ascending and descending, then that would be telling apart minor 9th and major 7th / 14th. Both a semitone away from the root. For chords that would be telling apart sus2 and sus4. Telling apart dim7 and min7b5 seems to be about which one has more of a "pull" (the dim7). min...